Sunday 18 July Affirmation

“In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2

I affirm that now is my time ⏰of exaltation!
Daily, I produce fruits🍇 and works of righteousness✨.
I flourish even in a dry land, growing🌴 luxuriantly, and plush like a well-watered garden🤗.
I produce 🏋️results that are consistent with my nature as the righteousness of God . The grace💫 for increase and expansion is multiplied in my life by the day.  

My success👌🏼 is guaranteed and unstoppable🏃 because I live in, and by the Word.
I am established by God in the path🛣️ of greatness and I live🏠 and walk🚶🏽‍♂️ In the reality of my inheritance in Christ . My dreams💭 and ideas💡 are continually expanded through God’s Word and I am moving forward consistently by the power⚡ of the Holy Spirit.

Your words are spirit and life, so whatever you say comes to pass. Declare 🗣️ the word out loud 🔊 and see it bear much fruit in your life.


Published by rodneyngoni

The Answer to the Cries of Humanity

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